Sunday, June 14, 2009

Too Poor to Make the News

Barbara Ehrenreich, author of "Nickeled and Dimed," has a great op-ed piece in this morning's New York Times. In it, she discusses the current recession's impact on those who were in impoverished situations already. She makes a good point by stating much of the media's coverage has focused on those who had been in decent financial shape but have since lost a job or a house. Meanwhile, those who missed out on recent economic booms have been ignored as their plight has deepened.

1 comment:

Daniel Prendable said...

Thanks so much for posting this article Brian. Ehrenreich, as usual, is right. I see the effects of overcrowding daily at my apartment complex. At least two to three refugee families from Somalia live together in a two bedroom apartment- the same apartment that Emily and I live in. That must be awful, but it's necessary for them to survive because they are so poor. These families were impoverished well before our recent recession, and they languish still.