Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Opportunities with the Black Hills Workshop

Hello, all!

Getting volunteers is proving as difficult as I expected it to be. A lot of the problem, I think, is the term "volunteer." As most of us know, being a "volunteer" carries a lot of different connotations, not the least of which can be an attitude shared by coworkers that you aren't as valuable or capable as they are, just because they are getting paid.

However, I am dedicated to recruiting and equipping as many people as I can to be a part of what the Black Hills Workshop is doing in Rapid City: providing excellent services and support to people with disabilities to help them live a full, satisfying life.

In order to help me accomplish my goal, I have enlisted the aid of a wonderful little site known as VolunteerMatch.org. I have created an organization profile for BHW and have began listing various volunteer opportunities that can be viewed online. Anyone wishing to help can request information and volunteer their time directly through the site! It really is wonderful.

Check out BHW's organization profile, and all of our volunteer opportunities.

If this site can help you out, I encourage you to make a profile for your organization and begin posting your organization's opportunities. Then, find simple ways to advertise that you are on the site, otherwise people might not know to look for you, and many might not even know about the site. You could be the reason they end up using VolunteerMatch for years to come!

Good luck.
- Mike

1 comment:

September said...

I have used VolunteerMatch successfully before. We got a volunteer for our September Carnival, and I just got another one for this weekend's Diaper Drive. I'm going to check out your advertising strategies and see if I can get more next time if I promote!

Thanks, Mike!