Thursday, August 26, 2010

Talking tours in Rapid City

Roast beef over horseradish mayonnaise with slivered shallots, sliced avocado and garden tomatoes on whole wheat bread.
Half a sandwich with a side salad of mixed wild greens, fresh basil, cucumbers and garden tomatoes.

Today we hosted four guests for our second Talking Tour of the season. At a Talking Tour, we provide a modest lunch over a video about Volunteers of America, Dakotas programs and what we offer in Rapid City. The lunch is followed by a brief power point presentation and Q&A, then a tour of the offices and introduction to our staff.
I am given a small budget, so far I've gone over a bit each time, but I'm getting the hang of it. And truly, plates, forks, napkins, these things take out of my budget and don't help the menu at all. I'm looking forward to using the Food Bank more frequently, but it does mean I can't plan my menu until they get their delivery.
 I like to go first to the Food Bank to see what they have since they do have the best prices, hands down, and I try to plan the menu around what's available there. Then I go to Family Thrift or Safeway or Walmart to complete the meal with as many sale items as I can find. Since it's still summer, I've gotten great prices on vegetables. I can't wait till fall and winter, though, so I can make soup!!!

1 comment:

foseroo said...

Yum! I really wish I would have been there! Can't wait for Chef Carrie at the VISTA retreat!