I need to thank Tami Francis, Sara Carothers, Melissa, and the other Sioux Falls Volunteers for helping me have a great time in Sioux Falls. It was worth the 750 miles of driving.
I went to the Big Sioux to meet with Tami and Sara in order to learn everything there is to know about Volunteer Management and creating a volunteer program. They know so much and were able to show me everything I need to lay a solid foundation for my organization's volunteer program. I know my work will be twenty times better because of the few hours I spent with them.
Aside from the interviews, I was able to hang out with Melissa, our VISTA leader, and Michelle and Mandy, two VISTA's serving in Sioux Falls. They each contributed to a delicious potluck lunch at the Help!Line Center.
After work was done for the day, I visited my cousin and his family, ate some wonderful Hy-Vee chinese food, and went down to 8th and Railroad to the Block Party. Melissa and I, along with her friend Lucy and three white rappers from Minneapolis, well, two rappers and a dj, watched the art battle and had a great evening downtown.
Then, the next day I visited Brandon Valley's Hometown Days festival. I ran in the Big Sioux Sun Run that Michelle helped put together. The festival looked like it was going to be a warm, fun-packed day. I hope Melissa, Tami, and Michelle enjoyed themselves and got to share with the entire festival how incredible it is to be part Volunteers of America and VISTA.
Wow. Who knew Sioux Falls was such a cool place?! I sure didn't until I came to visit. I'm already looking forward to the next time I get to visit all of you in the east.
Take care.
- Mike