Friday, July 30, 2010

Visiting Sioux Falls

I  love Queen Anne's Lace. Did you know it's a type of wild carrot? They were growing next to the river at Falls Park. Whoever mows the lawn left this patch of Queen Anne's Lace alone in a corner. 
Ok, so I am not so clever at uploading photos to the blog as I thought I was. It seems each pic inserts itself at the top of the post so after I rearranged several times, and it kept rearranging back to the order the blog wanted rather than the order I wanted, I decided to just put captions under the photos and leave the narrative up to the viewer. In no particular order, these are some of the things to see in SF! (That's Sioux Falls for those of you who were thinking of the other SF)

The inscription read:
We play with our friends,
turn around and then
 no one is there.
Where did everyone go?


A screech owl, native to South Dakota, rests atop Max's head while his handler watches close by. This month was zoo month at Hy-Vee grocery stores in Sioux Falls. The zoo mobile came out with ten animals as an educational outreach. Michelle met us at the Hy-Vee on Marion to meet and touch the animals.

A cool looking dog-ish sculpture

Monday evening, Carrie, Emily, Melissa and Michelle splurged on milk shakes and cheeseburgers while we talked about our VISTA jobs across the state. Fortunately, at Phillips Diner, if you order a milk shake your burger is half price, which put our meals within our fancy budgets. After dinner, we took the sculpture walk around downtown Sioux Falls. 
As life imitates art...

To infinity and beyond! A common VISTA goal :)
A Madagascar giant cockroach is about to crawl on me! This was one of two creepycrawlies on the zoo mobile; the other was a giant African millipede.

Inscription: Sphere refers to the layers of our being and the process of ‘shedding our shadow.’ It is a physical representation of striving for a deep, personal understanding and growth

This sculpture represents a glacier, how glaciers constantly shift and reflect light.

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