Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Use of food stamps up

I hope you all had a chance to read the article in Sunday's New York Times about the recent increase in the use of food stamps and the corresponding decrease in its stigma. If there's a silver lining associated with the increased demand for what's officially termed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, it's that more people now realize that not everyone who needs food stamps is a lazy bum trying to avoid employment.

A map displaying food stamp usage rates by county nationwide accompanies the article. Rates are displayed for all residents, children, whites, and blacks. Each county's change in food stamp use since 2007 is also provided.

The highest rates are found in Indian Country, the Rio Grande Valley, the Ozarks, Appalachian Kentucky, and the Mississippi Delta.

1 comment:

Daniel Prendable said...

Thank you for posting this. That was a great article and I meant to post something earlier this week, but forgot. Imagine that.