Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Hearing in D.C.

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well with your VISTA year. My name is Tracy Lini, and I am working with the Association on American Indian Affairs in Rockville MD. One of the perks of working just north of our nation's Capital is my ability to see prominent events.

On September 15th (last Tuesday), I was invited to attend a hearing at the House of Representatives! I went to see the Hearing on the Implementation of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act at the Rayburn House Office Building which is located directly across the street from the Capital Building. This building has a unique shape and is a huge labyrinth of corridors and rooms. To enter you had to be screened the same as at the airport. At least I didn't have to take off my shoes! After many many rights and a few lefts I found myself at the correct room.

It was a small room, but looked the same as a Hearing does on television. There were many people taking notes, a camera filming us, and printed testimonies to view as the witnesses read them directly. Everyone in attendance agreed that the the Foster program needs to be improved - both for the safety of the child, and to guarantee that child can get a quality education. The main witnesses were a man speaking on behalf of inner-city Chicago, a woman speaking on behalf of the Native American Tribes in the United States, and a young lady that was placed in the Foster program in her teens, but was never given financial assistance to go to college.

It was a rare and exciting to see the House in action. It was a very interesting experience, and I am glad I was able to attend.

1 comment:

Brian Laurent said...

This sounds like it was a great experience. And I'd say it's pretty unique compared to what we're all doing here in South Dakota. Well, I do regularly attend Mission City Council meetings. Same thing, right? haha

Thanks for posting!